
BlogU | WIRL Project

The 10 Things That BlogU Taught Me

Guys, I’m not gonna lie. Going to a conference is hard work. But if you’re dedicated, like me, this is what you have to do. This weekend I went to the BlogU blogging conference where they run a pretty tight ship. They keep you going the whole damn time. I guess they want people to get their money’s worth or something, but I’m like, “Hold up, Ladies. I’m gonna need a nap now.” Unfortunately, this y...

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The “Dad Bod”? Seriously?

The “Dad Bod”? Seriously?

So, what the hell is the “Dad Bod”? It’s been trending on social media and showing up on the news lately and I’m not sure what to think of it. I guess this, “Dad Bod” has always been around…it’s the guy who is over the age of 25 and has a healthy balance of hitting the bars and hitting the gym. He wants to look good for the ladies his lady, but loves...

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