Featured WIRL of the Moment

Reality – What It’s Really Like

Reality – What It’s Really Like

This post is part of a series titled, “A-B-Cs – What It’s Really Like”. Each week a new letter and its word will be revealed. Each word’s explanation will illustrate significant personal meaning, application and ultimately demonstrate, What It’s Really Like… Back in 1998 MTV debuted the reality TV s... Read More »

Previously Featured WIRLs

What It’s Really Like to Die

What It’s Really Like to Die

So what happens when we die? It’s hard to figure this one out because, well…once someone dies, we can’t really ask them what it was like. But, some people have instances where they have nearly died and they lived to tell their story. Actually, some people, in a scientific sense, have actually died (for a few moments), came back, and lived on to tell their story of what it was rea... Read More »

The Scissors | WIRL Project

Thoughts on “The Scissors”

It wasn’t until I was in my twenties, that I learned I was a mistake. I was sitting at my parent’s dinner table. We were just chit-chatting about life, school, and other, you know, normal, non-life-altering conversations that could make you re-think your entire being, when it casually came out. “A mistake?” I said. My dad looked at me like I had ten heads. Then, in his thic... Read More »

Never Forget 9/11 | WIRL Project

9/11 Never Forget

We should never forget September 11, 2001.  However, we do need to move on, to continue living our lives without fear. I was in the 11th grade sitting in English class.  I remember one slightly eccentric teacher running down the hallway between classes that morning screaming, “We are under attack – We are at war.”  Life would never be the same. I presume, to avoid panic on that pristin... Read More »

Confessions of a Starbucks Barista

Confessions of a Starbucks Barista

Who doesn’t love Starbucks? The coffee, the croissants, the sandwiches, the smell, the atmosphere, the “Cheers” experience you get when you walk in to your local one and Everybody Knows Your Name. But, have you ever thought about what it’s really like? What do the Barista’s see and hear that we don’t? What kind of crazy shit do they have to deal with from behind... Read More »

Thank You Notes from Jimmy Fallon

Thank You Notes from Jimmy Fallon

Thank you, Jimmy, for being so entertaining! If you’re a night owl and can stay up to watch The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on a regular basis, then you’ve been exposed to his very funny Thank you Notes segment that he routinely does on Friday nights. If your bedtime doesn’t typically make it past double digit numbers on the clock, you’re in luck because WIRL Project... Read More »

What It’s Really Like to be a Beachbody Coach

What It’s Really Like to be a Beachbody Coach

2014 was ending and I was 7 months deep into post college graduation blues. Since turning the tassel, I was traveling on the weekends, working full-time as an Industrial Engineer during the week, and embracing the real world with a rather heavy heart. I did it “right” …I played by the rules. You know, the rules that state if you study, get good grades in high school, and join every extracurricular... Read More »

Organ Donation

Organ Donation

March is National Eye Donor Month! Do you check “yes” to organ donation when renewing your license? Why or why not? One day, when my kid sister was 16 and about to get her driver’s license, she was getting ready for school sitting in the bathroom sink, as we both always did. My mom asked her why she was deciding to be an organ donor. “We don’t need that stuff when we&... Read More »

NCAA College Players Dish: Why Skin Is No Longer “In”

NCAA College Players Dish: Why Skin Is No Longer “In”

  Apparently, skin is no longer “in” concerning the NCAA Basketball fashion scene. Spandex and socks now cover 90% of the bodies of these premier athletes and you will be surprised to find out some of the real reasons many of them do it (hint, it’s not medical)! The skin between the hem of the shorts and the top of the high tops have been shrinking for years. Think back to t... Read More »