We should never forget September 11, 2001. However, we do need to move on, to continue living our lives without fear.
I was in the 11th grade sitting in English class. I remember one slightly eccentric teacher running down the hallway between classes that morning screaming, “We are under attack – We are at war.” Life would never be the same.
I presume, to avoid panic on that pristine September day, the school turned off the televisions. We were stuck to wonder. It was a world before smart phones. We scoured the internet during our French class for bits of information, even though the teachers had been instructed to turn them off.
September 11, 2001 changed our lives forever. But, to not let the terrorists win, we must carry on without fear.
Shortly after the attack I was selected as a participant for Presidential Classroom. This week long educational experience in Washington D.C. was late winter and just a few short months later. It was my first time flying alone. The Reagan Airport had been open about a month. I was seventeen.
There was a large gaping hole in the pentagon, I flew right over it, saying a prayer for those that were lost.
We overcome by living our lives as close to what they were before the attacks as possible. To continue to travel, fly, go to work.
My first job out of college was a Flight Attendant. Live without fear.
We should never forget the lives lost, never forget the tragedy, but also, we should never let them take our freedom.