I’ve recently, in the past year, done a 180 with my weight. I get emails all the time and wanted to share an example of the advice I give to a typical person in need of some help! Going from 170-120 lbs took two years and it could have taken a lot less time if I focused more on my nutrition!! Oh, and feel free to take advantage of the coupon code at the bottom of this post for Express Your Health, the best fresh meal delivery company out there!! Xo
An example of an email I received recently:
On Feb 18, 2015, at 4:29 PM, J…..@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hey girl,
We haven’t officially met but I know you through mutual friends. I was stalking you IG and just wanted to say how amazing you look especially for how short of a period you have been training and with being a mommy. I wanted to see if you could help me out with a diet. Let me know if you could help. I would greatly appreciate it!!
My Reply:
Hey love!!
I’d love to help you out with your diet!
You should be eating 6 meals a day, no carbs after 5/6pm!
Meal 1: Start your day with plain oats, with 4-6 egg whites (I drink them, they taste like milk) and cook with Mrs. Dash or flavor God.
Then the key is to eat every three hours on the dot, finishing each meal in its entirety.
Meal 2: This should be something light (snack so to speak) such as nuts and a protein shake, optimum nutrition from GNC is fine (gold standard).
Meal 3: For lunch, chicken or fish is perfect… 4 ounces, don’t go crazy- with rice and some greens or veggies!
Meal 4: This should be asparagus/broccoli/green beans/Brussels and chicken or turkey (ground or burger) and white rice. No butter, salt is fine on everything. I cook with salt and pepper but that’s it honestly. Moving right along
Meal 5: For dinner, steak/lean beef with a green (asparagus are the best).
Meal 6: This is your protein shake or another beef meal! Easy peazy!!!
Hope this helps write out your choices!
Or you can always use my dear friend’s AMAZING company, Express Your Health if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands. It’s really not expensive, especially if you use the promo code: Eben2015, and I honestly spend more time and money at the grocery store and cooking, so if I were you, and if you can afford a whole week, or days worth of meals… I’d do that! But, I’m a diva.

Samantha Solada
Wow the transformation you’ve made and the commitment to it all is very inspiring!!! I would love some advice myself if you ever have a min I started really watching my diet the last wk in jan and have been really motivated bc I am getting married this nov and just want to feel beautiful in my own skin . I know exercise is so important but w working 40 hrs a wk and nursing class at nights and wkends it’s not the easiest to fit in. I did just purchase an in home trainer that I can attach my bike to that will allow me to easily get some good workouts in in between studying and easily early in the morning but I would love any advice or tips ! Awesome job and I look forward to hearing more from you
Eben Adrian
Hey Samantha, Clearly I haven’t been keeping up with my wirls.. so sorry email me at Ebenadrian@yahoo.com and I can personalize a plan for you for your wedding if you’re interested, I started training plans as well!!! Congrats on your wedding, Im also a wedding photographer if you need one of those as well!
Samantha Solada
Very inspiring !!! I would love some advice if you have the time … Since the last wk of Jan I’ve been really strict with my diet and doing my best to eat balanced and healthy, I am getting married in Nov and I just want to feel beautiful in my own skin and i want to lose the weight in a healthy way. My problem is my schedule is insane working 40 hr wks and school at night n on the wkend … So any advice on meal plans or ways to be active with such little time (I did just get an at home trainer for my bike so I’m excited to get that set up bc I will be easily able to get a good workout in more ofen now) … But any advice and tips would be greatly appreciated !!!