We used to have a wooden coffee table in the middle of our living room. But once we brought our tiny human home I went from seeing “beautiful, aged dark wood coffee table with wrought iron legs” to “ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOUR CHILD CAN AND WILL FALL AND BUST HER BUTT ON THESE METAL SPIKES OF HAZARD YOU HORRIBLE PARENT!!” (Not to mention, “wasted space”.)
We moved the table to another room, but I didn’t want a gaping hole in the middle of our rug – I wanted something that still looked nice, was functional, and allowed us to live like normal people once Penelope went to bed at night.
Plus, I’ve learned that no matter how hard you try, with kids, their stuff does start to slowly creep in and take over your space. I also never realized how important it would be for my sanity to be able to tuck everything away easily, and to kick back at night without getting an “Elmo Goes for a Walk” book wedged in my butt when I sat on the couch.
But I found (somewhat of) a solution! It was inexpensive, looks great, and is functional, so of course I had to share with you.
Stylish and Creative Storage Solution
The photo on the left you might remember from last week, when I told you how I was coping with my migraines and the things that were only adding to the pain. But the image on the RIGHT is my storage solution – the 3 bins that all of that stuff goes into at night after P goes to bed:
It’s really nice at the end of the day to toss everything back into those bins and not feel like our house is overrun with toys or clutter. (We also use those cabinets next to the fireplace for some other items, but most of the stuff goes in the bins.)
This is the room we use most in our home, so I love the way these bins hide everything! And they are really easy to move around when we have people over. The tops even flip over and you can use them as a tray, or you can keep them as shown and sit on them if you need more seating!
I got mine at a place called Garden Ridge, which was since bought and changed over to At Home, so if you have an At Home near you definitely head over to check out what they have. But in case you don’t, I did a quick search and found some other really cute options on Overstock.com, here: Overstock.com ottoman search.
(The above link is NOT an affiliate link.)
Did you like this idea? Did you do something similar?

Website: http://www.punkwife.com/blog-2/