Quiet… I sit here alone enjoying this moment. Ahh another day goes by, five sweet little blessings tucked into their beds, but this mother still has much to do before I lay down to rest. Time to prepare, time to pray, and time to reflect.
A while ago, I came across a quote that read:
This quote really touched my heart and opened my eyes to a lot of things. Being a wife, stay-at-home homeschooling mother and Director with Thirty-One Gifts I wear many hats. From the moment I get up, I am nonstop being pulled in one direction or another. It’s not always easy and I will let you in on a little secret, some days I feel like the biggest failure and not worthy to be in the roles I hold.
Then, I realize I am exactly where I am suppose to be, blessed with exactly the children I am suppose to have, and doing exactly what God has called me to do.
He alone has instilled talents and gifts in each of us… what we chose to do with them is up to us. I chose to use every bit of them for His honor and glory. To reach deep within myself and give my all, in all I do, so at the end of my life I can look back and say I used every bit of talent He blessed me with.
I hear often words from strangers and even friends, “Boy, do you have your hands full!” Or “Wow, you must be super woman!”. I am far from being super woman, or mom for that matter, I struggle just like the rest. My hands are full, but not in the way most would think. My hands are full when I have a child close by to hug, a little hand to hold, and a child in my arms dancing and singing around the kitchen, just to name a few. This is my life’s greatest joy and accomplishment.
Even though the moments of silence are refreshing, I look forward to tomorrow when I can continue to use my talents with God’s help until every ounce of it is used up. Loving my journey!