
What “Working Out” Means To Me….

What “Working Out” Means To Me….

I choose to stay active and eat healthy because that is what makes me feel good. It is NOT easy. It is very hard to get into this lifestyle, but trust me….once you are in it, you won’t look back. Now, I haven’t ALWAYS been active and a healthy eater. I have 3 kids, so you can imagine how many times I had to restart my “Healthy Lifestyle”. Everyone is different, so wha...

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What Workingout REALLY Means to Me | WIRL Project

What Working Out REALLY Means To Me

I am not a gym type of person and I always tried to avoid physical exercise. Nevertheless, now that I am on the 4th decade of my life, I see my metabolism slow down and only through exercise am I able to boost things up a bit. I try to walk 15 to 20 minutes per day and this helps me maintain my figure to almost the same shape as it used to be when I was younger! It is hard for me to change attitud...

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WIRL Workout | WIRL Project

What Working Out Means to Me

Until recently, I vowed that I would have an exclusive relationship with the workout system T25 for the rest of my life. Although I still have very strong feelings for the very effective 10 week DVD workout program, our relationship is starting to get a little “complicated” since my family and I made the decision to join the YMCA. I’ll be honest, in the beginning, I joined the Y ...

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The “Dad Bod”? Seriously?

The “Dad Bod”? Seriously?

So, what the hell is the “Dad Bod”? It’s been trending on social media and showing up on the news lately and I’m not sure what to think of it. I guess this, “Dad Bod” has always been around…it’s the guy who is over the age of 25 and has a healthy balance of hitting the bars and hitting the gym. He wants to look good for the ladies his lady, but loves...

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Exercise As We Get Older

I recently started an exercise routine where I’m weight training and doing some walking too, as I am aware how important it is to have strong bones and muscles as we age. Being in my 50’s and just starting out, I am surprised at the fact that I’m actually enjoying doing it!! I’ve never been much for going to the gym, but once again if you push yourself out of your comfort z...

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