So, while I was at a mommy meetup group today with my kids, one of the moms said she heard that having 3 kids is easier than having just 2. I almost spit my water out, after hearing this nonsense! I told her that was a lie. I have 3 and can tell you it isn’t easier. You are outnumbered! That means, one of you has 2 and the other has 1! Maybe when they get older, it gets easier? But I can tell you, it isn’t easier right now, while they are young. It is also a lot more expensive! You have to think about 3x’s that college tuition (I am hoping my kids all get scholarships! I can have hope, right??).
Let’s rewind back to when my husband and I only had the 2 kids…
I never imagined myself even having 3 kids. Never really gave it much thought. I just figured we would deal with the 2 we did have and get through that — until I got a little older and the thought was in the back of my head. I have to admit, I thought about having regrets as I got older. But, then I talked myself out of it and thought there was NO way I could have 3! It just wasn’t what I wanted. Then, BOOM! SURPRISE!! That little white stick read positive!
To be honest, I was a little sad, scared, anxious, did I say scared?!! 3 kids. Wow. There were days when I broke down and cried from being so tired and thought, “How in the world can I handle one more kid?? I can’t even deal with these two right now!” I even began questioning my parenting skills and started to think maybe I wasn’t cut out to be a mom of more than 1 kid! (Keep in mind, all these thoughts were while I was pregnant…we all know how that goes). I was just scared period. Scared of the “unknown” lol. I was about to enter into the craziness. Or, as a good friend told me, “Shit just got real.”
Now, my 3rd child is 9 months old and I couldn’t imagine my life any other way, nor would I have it any other way! Just when I thought my heart couldn’t hold anymore love, it does! My 3rd child has changed me for the best. Actually, ALL my children have, but my 3rd has made me really change my view on things. I don’t care so much about the little things, I am not afraid to speak up or say how I feel, I don’t spend time on the nonsense anymore, and I can honestly say, because of all this craziness in our house, I manage my time so much better than ever before.
Maybe everyone, with 3 kids doesn’t feel this way, and that is ok. They don’t have to. That is them, this is me, this is MY story.
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