If you could redo your college experience, how would you do it? What would you change?
- Would you go to the same school?
- Would you select the same major?
- Hang with the same crowd?
- Play a sport?
- Study Harder?
- Join the same sorority or fraternity?
- Do you have regrets about college?
- Or would you do it all exactly the same?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Or, better yet, join WIRL Project and share your story!

Website: www.wirlproject.com
Joy @ Joy Love Food
I had a wonderful college experience, I went to Penn State and my degree is in Computer Science, I studied a lot but still had time for lots of fun. I wouldn’t change a thing!
Sandra Shaffer
I had a great college experience. I was just focused on getting that degree, not about what career it might lead to! I love the process of learning something new, so I went back for grad school in my late 30’s. I wish I would have gone straight through after college since it was tough to raise a family and focus on studies.
I would have taking more opportunities to do school events and lived in the school dorms.
I think I will need more than just this box to describe what I would do differently! Nevertheless, time is ruthless and there is no turning back!
Betsy @ Desserts Required
I would not change a thing. I am of the mindset that all of my past experiences have brought me to this point in time and I am happy with myself…good and bad parts!
Sara Brennan
It’s great you can be so confident in your past choices Betsy! I admire you and the way you look at life, it’s a great mentality to have!!
Erica (@Erica's Recipes)
I actually don’t think I would change anything. I went to an out of state school, but that was because it had a better program for what I wanted. I was in a sorority. College was fine and set me up for success after – I went on immediately to get a PhD. ….now, graduate school is a completely different story. If I could do that again, I would go to a different school, different major, different advisor
Sara Brennan
I’m glad you had such a great college experience Erica! I also thought graduate school was a much different experience than undergrad. What did you study in grad school?
Marjie @ Home Again Jiggety-jig!
Since I went to a junior college first and lived at home, commuting to Seattle Pacific University, I didn’t make a ton of long term friendships. My major was wonderful – Home Economics/ Consumer Sciences. The teachers were amazing and the education top notch. It gave me a hunger to continue to study and learn throughout my life.
I also married right out of college because my husband was in the military. (The Vietnam War years) I would have liked to go on to study Interior Design at the University of Washington but have no regrets about the life I have had.
Sara Brennan
I’m so glad you had a great experience Marjie! Having no regrets is awesome!!
I might have chosen a different school, one within the state. The college I attended didn’t have any sororities but I would not have pledged to one (assuming I was asked in the first place, hahaha). I married right after graduation. I wish I’d gone to graduate school.
Sara Brennan
I didn’t do sororities either, Lydia, my school didn’t have any greek life. You could still do grad school, there are so many online options now!
KC the Kitchen Chopper
I’m one of a small group of people who never went to a 4 year college, only Junior for a year. I do not regret not going. I’ve been very lucky to have been able to have 3 careers in my life. I seem to reinvent myself every 15 years or so. Now I’m a foodie. I never would have thunk it!
First I was an actress/model, then and now I’m a Personal Trainer and also melded it all into Food Blogger/You Tuber and hope to get a cooking show. I’m super happy doing what I’m doing now!
But who knows what the future will bring?!
Sara Brennan
KC, it sounds like you are doing amazing! Congratulations on your success and I hope you get your own show too!!
College was a long process for me because I kept changing my majors. I loved it though! I learned a lot of different things while browsing the courses. If I could change something it would be the wasted classes that wouldn’t transfer when I switched colleges for various reasons(four times)!
Sara Brennan
Diane, ohhh those wasted classes and credits!! They get you every time! But, nothing is wasted if you learned from it, right? So even if it did cost you some money, it was worth it I’m sure.
Thanks for the comment!
Sara Brennan
I met my husband and some of my best friends in college, but I often wonder what it would have been like if I went to a bigger school or if I studied something different. I wish I knew more about life when I was in college – I wish I had known more about what I liked and didn’t like and what skills I would need most down the road. It’s crazy to think that my school, Mercyhurst College, didn’t even get Facebook until I was a junior in college!! What did we do with our time when we weren’t on our phones and social media all day and night!
I think if I could redo it all again, I would have studied AND partied harder! College is SO MUCH about the social aspect of things, but you have to remember why you’re there…to learn and get experience! I’d say things worked out pretty well for me and I don’t have many regrets.