/ Wirl Types / Story

Too Many Choices!

Too Many Choices!

Over the last year my wife and I have attempted to emphasize the importance of making good choices with our toddler. It has been an extremely daunting task to not only teach him what a choice is, but help guide him toward decision making that we find acceptable. We both feel that the quickest way for him to learn is to have a high level of autonomy over minor situations so that he can practice the...

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The Question That Made Me Realize My Stress Was Hurting My Husband. A Lot.

The Question That Made Me Realize My Stress Was Hurting My Husband. A Lot.

Last year I came across a blog post that encouraged me to ask a question, just one question, of my spouse. The couple who wrote the article said it did wonders in their marriage, so I tried it. I asked Kyle, “What do you need from me?” I fully expected him to answer something related to him, to his love languages, something like, “I need more encouragement and support from you regarding my job” or...

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Judgement | WIRL Project

J: Judgment – What It’s Really Like

This post is part of a series titled, “A-B-Cs – What It’s Really Like”. Each week a new letter and its word will be revealed. Each word’s explanation will illustrate significant personal meaning, application and ultimately demonstrate, What It’s Really Like…  Judgment – some have more of it than others. Some good, some bad. Its juxtaposition has its dilemmas: When to advance/when to withdraw...

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No Place Like Home | WIRL Project

There’s No Place Like Home

As my time to leave New York quickly approaches, I prepare for the tears and overwhelming emotions that I know are about to take control of my mind and flow silently into my heart. Each year I am blessed to have a family who supports me in most of my decisions, who encourages me to be successful, and who loves me unconditionally. There are truly some people I could never go without thanking enough...

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Vision | WIRL Project

The Greatest Gifts are Small Packages Wrapped with Love

Have you ever felt like you were doing something just to be doing it but you really didn’t know “why” you were doing it? Or… have you ever felt as if you had this grand vision which caused you to work yourself to the bone but the end result only left you feeling exhausted, deprived, and unfulfilled? One day I was door to door marketing for my Rejuve-N-Luv Body Scrubs when I came across a sweet lad...

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Innocence | WIRL Project

I: Innocence – What It’s Really Like

This post is part of a series titled, “A-B-Cs – What It’s Really Like”. Each week a new letter and its word will be revealed. Each word’s explanation will illustrate significant personal meaning, application and ultimately demonstrate, What It’s Really Like…  This week I was blessed to witness the birth of my second son. Beyond the pregnancy preparation and build up to delivery there is a substant...

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H: Holding On – What It’s Really Like

H: Holding On – What It’s Really Like

This post is part of a series titled, “A-B-Cs – What It’s Really Like”. Each week a new letter and its word will be revealed. Each word’s explanation will illustrate significant personal meaning, application and ultimately demonstrate, What It’s Really Like…  I just got off of a Facetime chat with my brother where during the conversation he made fun of an old baseball t-shirt I was wearing. It is ...

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G: Gratitude – What It’s Really Like

G: Gratitude – What It’s Really Like

This post is part of a series titled, “A-B-Cs – What It’s Really Like”. Each week a new letter and its word will be revealed. Each word’s explanation will illustrate significant personal meaning, application and ultimately demonstrate, What It’s Really Like…  (The above image is a handmade Japanese Thank You card that I received a few years ago from a colleague of mine.  The symbol means, “Gratefu...

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Famous Podcast | WIRL Project

What It’s Really Like – The Story Behind WIRL Project

I had the privilege of being invited by T.v. Williams to be on his Famous Podcast a few weeks ago. I recently shared Part 1 of the show featuring a few stories about me and my personal life. Today I’m talking more about my professional life and how I was inspired to create the WIRL Project platform. In this particular portion of the show (Part 2) I am talking about: My son Mason (a quick blu...

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F: Faith – What It’s Really Like

F: Faith – What It’s Really Like

This post is part of a series titled, “A-B-Cs – What It’s Really Like”. Each week a new letter and its word will be revealed. Each word’s explanation will illustrate significant personal meaning, application and ultimately demonstrate, What It’s Really Like…  Faith is funny. It is presumed that all of us believe in something bigger than ourselves. Peace, love, religion, science, etc. Harmony for a...

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