
Why Buying a Nursing Bra Wasn’t a Total Mistake

Why Buying a Nursing Bra Wasn’t a Total Mistake

  Why buying a nursing bra is okay. Sometime last year I was in Target shopping for the ever-so-gracious bra that I seemed to either never fill out, or never fit in. There was always something wrong with them. For example, why is the wire sticking out of the bottom?  Why is there even a wire in my bra? Who makes these? Did this person have big boobs?  I bet this person had no boobs at all. Do...

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Anonymous WIRL

Breast Augmentation Surgery: What It’s Really Like. Part 2: The Consult

  Upon leaving the consultation for a breast augmentation, I was consumed with excitement, frustration, and slight disappointment. The excitement was because the doctor seemed wonderful! He was educated, friendly, and comforting. The doctor made the suggestion of a silicone textured implant; his reasoning came from my body structure and proportions. However, as the doctor left the room the re...

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Breast Augmentation Surgery: What It’s Really Like. Part 1: Initial Thoughts

I believe it started with the phrase “Itty Bitty Titty Committee”, that’s the phrase that was what was mumbled to me in early high school. I realized I was not destined for a curvaceous womanly body; I was just a normal girl, with a normal body, and small breasts. I came to terms with my small chest. I knew which Victoria’s Secret bras would give me the ultimate effect of c...

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