
Comedy of Cancer | WIRL Project

The Comedy of Cancer

(What’s it really like to hear you have cancer…a second time) Have you ever had that moment when your phone rings and a feeling rushes over you of “this can’t be good”? As I answered my phone in the midst of cooking a weekday dinner for my family, I heard my doctor’s voice and I just knew… there was no doubt what he was about to say was not good. I’d heard the words before and this time I ca...

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Being a Stand-Up Comedian: What It’s Really Like

Being a Stand-Up Comedian: What It’s Really Like

  Being a standup comedian might be one of the toughest jobs out there. Seriously, who wants to speak in front of a lot of people, who EXPECT (and have paid for) you to make them laugh? Many people dread standing in front of a room full of their friends and family to make a toast, let alone a bunch of strangers who are going to give you shit if you don’t meet their expectations. We want...

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