I have been in the medical profession for over 20 years. I worked as a nurse’s aide then decided to become a nurse. It really is a love hate profession. I love it some days, but hate it others. I have learned over the years that you can not change people. You can suggest and tell them what you would do in a situation, but they will do what they want. People have to remember that doctors and nurses are people and they encounter a lot of different personalities and complaints. They, like the nurse are trying to assess the problems by the information you give them. So if you do not tell them, they can not connect all the information together to give you a diagnosis. No matter how embarrassing.
I worked as a nurse’s aide then decided to become a nurse. It really is a love hate profession. I love it some days, but hate it others.
I know we all have run into doctors or nurses who are complete idiots. You have the right to fire your doctor or tell the doctor that the nurse was not professional or that his office staff should do a better job. I feel if more people would do that the medical field may change. Of course it is how you present your complaint is how you get results. Try not to scream or make threats of law suits. Try to stay calm and present the facts. When your doctor is trying to shove you out the door stand your ground and let them know that you would like more time. Doctors and nurses are given only 15 minutes for appointments. Why I am not sure, but I feel it is financial.
You have the right to fire your doctor or tell the doctor that the nurse was not professional or that his office staff should do a better job.
The medical field is scrutinized all the time, but they need to talk to patients without using too many technical medical terms, so the patient can easily understand. I went to a doctor who literally threw my discharge papers from the door. I was so angry and upset. I asked for the supervisor and received the telephone number for the person who was over the clinic. She was very personable and actually listened to me about how I was treated during my office visit. I really don’t know if anything was said to this doctor, but I continue to go to the same facility and let whoever I see that this doctor will never take care of me. I tell them please let him know that I hope he or his family will never have to see a doctor like him. I trust that the word has gotten back to him.
So please remember when you have to go to the doctor, give all your complaints to the nurse because she is passing it on to the doctor. If you don’t like your doctor then fire him or her.
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I wholeheartedly agree with you Martha.. I have fired two doctors, one was a GP, the other a specialist. Neither of them have any business treating patients, their bedside manners may have been good 25 years ago but they’re non-existent now. I have said many times, that you have to be your own advocate.. if you don’t stick up & look out for yourself who will?!