Please excuse my lack of focus. As my family and friends know too well, I have quite an hard time keeping my attention on one thing very long. I’m in sales, and because I have close to a 1000 miles of windshield time most weeks, I have plenty of alone time with my thoughts. So, here’s a snippet of what went through my head on my Monday drive. Good luck embracing my absurd stream of consciousness.
Whoa, that was weird. Can’t believe that woman rolled down her window and asked what time it was. When is the last time someone asked a stranger what time it was? Between clocks, computers, smart phones, smart watches, and other devices. Even my FitBit has the time on it. Wait, doesn’t her car have a clock? Maybe she doesn’t know how to set it? Which I totally understand since I cringe at the thought of reading along in a manual myself. Blah, it’s like following rules. No fun.
What was the deal with that guy who took the elevator at the gym this morning who was fully capable of taking the stairs? Reminds me of the people fighting for the closest parking spot at the gym so that they can go walk on the treadmill for miles. Personally, I consider taking the stairs part of my cardio.
Have you noticed how fast you’re going through tissue boxes these days? Between that and the itchy eyes, running nose, and the daily pollen count, it’s quite obvious that springtime and allergy season are upon us. Unfortunately, that means I’m going to have to deal with one of my pet peeves more often which is taking that first tissue out of the new box which never comes out nicely. It always shreds and is useless. Don’t have a clue why this bothers me so much, but it does. Kind of like the last paper towel that is glued/stuck on the roll that is also useless. Just rips off in little annoying pieces.
You know, I really love the look of cobblestone roads and sidewalks, but putting them in high traffic pedestrian areas near bars and restaurants is just trouble waiting to happen since so many girls wear high heels out at night. Lucky for me, I only wear heels out at night about twice a year now, so I am no longer one of those girls who looks ridiculous teetering around trying to keep her balance. I’ve become a “wedges only” girl. Hey, safety first. Wow, really, Katie? Listen to yourself. Before you know it, you’ll be shopping at Easy Spirit.
Speaking of safety first… Why has every day care that I’ve passed for the past couple weeks had names that just sound creepy to me?
Just Kids, Itty-Bitty Day Care, Lollipop Gang, Treasured Tots, Care and Share, Hold My Hand, Kid Oasis. Yeah….if I was a parent, I would be terrified to go anywhere near those places with my children. Heebie-jeebies.
I wonder if other people ever notice, or if it pains them too, that the older you get, the longer it takes to scroll to the year you were born when you fill out the year in your date of birth on drop down boxed online? It hurts me passing through the 2000’s, ’90’s, AND all the ’80’s to get to 1979. Like a little jab each time I have to do it.
*as I toss a loose hair out the window* Gross, why is it that your hair is just fine when it’s still on your head, but the second it’s loose, it’s now just nasty? I wonder if I’m the only one who feels this way?
Do other people struggle as much as I do to pick up my phone to do a simple task quickly? Getting so distracted between social media, googling stuff, and doing other things. And then 30 minutes later, I realize that I forgot the original reason I picked up my phone. Yep. There’s that ADHD kicking in again.
Wow, really? They’re playing Stone Temple Pilots, Metallica, and U2 on classic rock stations now? These are bands that defined my childhood. Pretty sure a little part of me dies every time I hear one. Just confirms my earlier point about getting older. And that my cassette tapes in my Doc Marten shoebox and my Case Logic cases of CDs are basically vintage now.
Yep, I warned you. Sometimes I replay the things I’ve contemplated and mulled around in my head, and I can’t help but think about Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey. So random.
Well, I’m off to google at least five different things I’ve thought of while I’ve typed this tonight.