My acne is only skin deep. My skin won’t stop me because…
- I know that I am beautiful, with or without pimples on my face.
- I know that real, genuine people get to know me for me, they see past my exterior and love me for who I am as a person on the inside.
- Those little red bumps on my face give me strength. I’ve cried in the mirror more times than I can count, but I’ve always made it through; they didn’t kill me, they made me stronger.
- I know that people who judge based on appearance are missing something in their lives, and need to fill this void by bringing other people down.
- I found that I feel most confident when I am educated, prepared, and driven to make something of myself. At this stage of my life, I do not care what negative people to say about me and my skin. The good stuff is on the inside. Skin is just skin, we all have it, we’re all different, and that’s what gives us character.
Here’s my story…
Growing up, I had acne all the time. Luckily, I didn’t have the Cystic Acne, but there sure were a lot of pimples on my face. I found it very sad and frustrating when my very clear-complected friends didn’t wear makeup, and I did. Things like pool parties and going to the beach were embarrassing for me because I’d think…Should I wear makeup? What if I get soaked? I’ll look stupid…
I didn’t put makeup on because it made me feel better (which, I believe is why women should use it in the first place), but I put it on to hide.
Even in high school and college…even on my wedding day…I always had a breakout somewhere. To be honest, I still deal with it, but you will rarely see me without ANY makeup on because I don’t scar very well. This combined with the fact that I am a “picker”, does not go over very well for my face. I have a lot of little purple scars from my acne and feel very self conscious if I don’t have any makeup on. It’s funny, sometimes I’ll even give people a disclaimer if they’re going to stop by and I am not wearing makeup…somehow this makes me feel like I prepared them for the worst? I am working on this and, at this point in my life, my son is my inspiration. I want him to grow up knowing that women are beautiful because they are smart, real, funny, kind, and caring; not because makeup and clothes made them look “sexy”.
Since WIRL Project is a place to be honest and genuine with life and what it’s really like, I wanted to let you into my own struggle. Many people may read this and say, Wow, I had no idea this was even an issue for you, because I always tried to cover it up (and still do sometimes). My mom and husband can attest to the number of times I’ve cried about it, but I am here to tell you that I am working on this.
If anyone else is out there feeling sad, insecure, or self conscious about your skin, I want you to know that I can relate to you and that it will be alright. When people, love you, they love you for who you are, and they really don’t even look at your skin.
When people judge you, they have much bigger problems than the acne they see on your face. The way that we sometimes wear makeup to coverup our flaws, these weak people lash out on others (and bully) because they’re trying to coverup something much deeper than they’d ever be willing to admit.
They’re weak, you’re not…don’t ever let your acne, psoriasis, skin color, or anything for that matter, stop you from being you.
Please support our cause, Psoriasis, by sharing your story and encouraging other’s to do the same. Also purchasing the “Eben” bracelet from our partner, Cayisa, will help raise awareness and fund research.

Pam B
Sara- I had NO idea! I thought you had FLAWLESS skin! I struggle with cystic acne. while its not all over, and not all the time- its very painful. I have been to the doctor and prescribed expensive medications(oh the joys of healthcare) and I have found a medium that works pretty well. but i still get flare ups.
I actually just got back from my honeymoon and chose to live in the moment, and not wear makeup and enjoy the beach. I hate to admit, that i don’t want pictures surfacing of me on Facebook during the trip because i had a really bad breakout on my cheek and it is all i can focus on….
well okay, that’s not 100% the truth…there’s other reasons i won’t post honeymoon pictures on facebook. ..(hello- me in a SWIMSUIT on the INTERNET?!?!= uhm, NO)…which..maybe I will find enough courage to contribute my first WIRL on that subject!
Sara Brennan
@pambuss I’m SO happy to hear that you lived in the moment on your honeymoon and did not wear makeup!! That’s what honeymoons are for, right? Being free and not worrying about anything! Thank you for your kind comments about my skin, I have to say that my acne lead me to a strong desire to master covering things up with makeup, so I’ve become quite good at that over the years.
You should post your pics from your honeymoon because 1) You’re beautiful with or without makeup on 2) We want to see what you were up to and 3) who cares what other people think! Don’t let your skin (or body) ever stop you from being happy! xoxo
Can’t wait to read your first WIRL soon!!
Kaitlyn Slomski
This couldn’t have come at a better time, Sara! Thanks for sharing. Having acne as an adult is really hard and extremely embarrassing at times. It’s good to know I’m not alone
Sara Brennan
Thank you Kaitlyn, I am glad this resinated with you. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this as well, but defiantly know, you’re not alone!