This topic is near and dear to me.
As a kid I was never an athlete. Didn’t like team sports. Couldn’t run, jump or catch. Finally in my 20’s I started working out like Jane Fonda. Aerobic classes were much more my style. I was modeling at the time and knew if I was to continue doing swimsuit work I’d better find something to keep the “bottom line” in place!
As the years went on, I continued with aerobics and step classes, added stationary bike, spinning, stairmaster and weight training. After I stopped modeling I became a personal trainer. I wanted others to know of the satisfaction of getting your heart rate up and feeling alive. Feeling those muscles get stronger. I love the fact that I am approaching 60 and I’ve never been healthier.
After I stopped modeling I became a personal trainer. I wanted others to know of the satisfaction of getting your heart rate up and feeling alive.
15 years ago The Hubby and I started eating The Chopped. I created the concept of chopping healthful ingredients and topping them with a super flavorful dressing. The concept has grown immensely since then. This kind of eating fuels my workouts. No matter what’s in store for the day.
14 years ago The Hubby got me into road cycling. He told me “You should try road biking, I think you’d like it”. Once I got over the anxiety of riding on the street I was hooked! We’ve cycled all over Europe. Climbing every mountain on our bikes. I’ve had cycling coaches for the last 10 years. The high intensity workouts have helped me win many cycling challenges including a Century’s and Double Century’s, (100 and 200 mile days.)
I’m a “numbers noggin”. I am motivated to achieve the power numbers and heart rate numbers that my cycling coach sets out for me. I have a computer on my bike and always wear a HR monitor to keep track of calories burned. I send all the data to my coach via computer. I also get on the scale every day. Keeps me on track within a couple of pounds.
I’m a “numbers noggin”.
When The Hubby and I are done with a crazy intense ride we call the feeling a GPT and HSL…Great Piece of Training and High Satisfaction Level. I crave that feeling.
Training for snow skiing motivates both of us. Every September we step up our leg training so we can be first on, last off the mountain. That is exhilarating.
I became a personal trainer 20 years ago, I wanted to help people embrace a healthful, active lifestyle. Now I talk the talk and walk the walk combining fitness, healthful eating with The Chopped and Lifestyle Choppertunities.
My motivation for working out has morphed throughout the years. In the beginning I’ll admit it was for “how I looked”. Years ago, I realized that all the training and good eating was keeping me from getting sick, added to my quality of life, and I know in my bones (now as dense as they were when I was 25) that exercising on a regular consistent basis will keep me going strong for many years to come. I can’t be more grateful that The Hubby and I share the same fitness philosophy. We’ll grow old together, cycling into the sunset!
Join the conversation! Easily contribute your story here with the tag “WIRL Workout”.
About the Author…
This WIRL was contributed by KC the Kitchen Chopper. She is a self taught home cook who developed a fast, easy concept of preparing and eating that makes you a pro in your own kitchen. She can be found at her website, on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Website: http://www.theKitchenChopper.com
KC the Kitchen Chopper
Sara, thanks so much for including me in this fun and important topic. I’ve shared around and will do more later today. Thanks again!
Sara Brennan
I LOVED your Guest WIRL KC! It was so fun collaborating with you and learning about how passionate you are about this topic! Thank you for contributing to WIRL Project. I can’t wait to see more from you!!