WIRL workout

What It’s Really Like to be a Beachbody Coach

What It’s Really Like to be a Beachbody Coach

2014 was ending and I was 7 months deep into post college graduation blues. Since turning the tassel, I was traveling on the weekends, working full-time as an Industrial Engineer during the week, and embracing the real world with a rather heavy heart. I did it “right” …I played by the rules. You know, the rules that state if you study, get good grades in high school, and join every extracurricular...

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What “Working Out” Means To Me….

What “Working Out” Means To Me….

I choose to stay active and eat healthy because that is what makes me feel good. It is NOT easy. It is very hard to get into this lifestyle, but trust me….once you are in it, you won’t look back. Now, I haven’t ALWAYS been active and a healthy eater. I have 3 kids, so you can imagine how many times I had to restart my “Healthy Lifestyle”. Everyone is different, so wha...

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WIRL Workout | WIRL Project

What Fitness Means to Me

You’ve seen them shuffling down the street. Fragile old men and women who need canes or walkers to help them move because they’re likely to tip over at any second. About 10 years ago I realized I was turning into one. In my generation kids were expected to spend a lot of time outside, so I was in the habit of being active. Unlike nowadays, youth sports were limited but our high school ...

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What Workingout REALLY Means to Me | WIRL Project

What Working Out REALLY Means To Me

I am not a gym type of person and I always tried to avoid physical exercise. Nevertheless, now that I am on the 4th decade of my life, I see my metabolism slow down and only through exercise am I able to boost things up a bit. I try to walk 15 to 20 minutes per day and this helps me maintain my figure to almost the same shape as it used to be when I was younger! It is hard for me to change attitud...

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What My Workout Means To Me

What My Workout Means To Me

My alarm goes off and the sun is barely up. The voice in my head tells me it is OK to hit snooze or turn the alarm off and sleep in today. I tell myself it is not a big deal to push my work out to the evening. But then reality reminds me that if I don’t get out of bed at 6 AM, the day will give me a million reasons to skip my work out by time 6 PM rolls around. I grab my pre-workout on my night st...

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WIRL Workout | WIRL Project

What Working Out Means to Me

Until recently, I vowed that I would have an exclusive relationship with the workout system T25 for the rest of my life. Although I still have very strong feelings for the very effective 10 week DVD workout program, our relationship is starting to get a little “complicated” since my family and I made the decision to join the YMCA. I’ll be honest, in the beginning, I joined the Y ...

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Why I Love to Workout | WIRL Project

Why I Love to Workout

This topic is near and dear to me. As a kid I was never an athlete. Didn’t like team sports. Couldn’t run, jump or catch. Finally in my 20’s I started working out like Jane Fonda. Aerobic classes were much more my style. I was modeling at the time and knew if I was to continue doing swimsuit work I’d better find something to keep the “bottom line” in place! As t...

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WIRL Workout | WIRL Project

WIRL Workout at WIRL Project

Today at WIRL Project you will hear from several individuals who were interested in sharing their stories and confessions when asked “What Does Working Out REALLY Mean To You”. We want to hear from you too! To contribute your story or confession, use the Contribute a WIRL form here and use the tag “WIRL Workout” in your post and on social media. To search all of the “...

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