This post from, Humans of New York, hit home with me today. Over the past 2 months I have seen the same woman on the corner right by my house asking for “anything.” She was burned by the Arizona sun, beaten down by whatever difficulties life had presented, but yet so sweet and thankful the few times I spoke with her. I rarely hand the homeless money, however I occasionally do, or I’d pack 2 lunches on my way to work for someone on the street. Over the course of the two months Tom and I had given this woman close to $30 dollars, our lottery ticket that we had won $10 off of, food, and as much positive energy that we could send her way.
This woman always made my day, despite her hardships which made it even better when she stood in a nice outfit, cleaned hair, brand new shoes and a sign that read, “Thank you for your help, I was able to purchase myself a nice outfit and get a job for my family and I. I start next Tuesday!” How awesome is that?!
1) Used the money for the right things
2) Took time to thank those who helped her in her time of need.
She is such a beautiful soul & I will continue to send good vibes her way!!!
*This was originally a status update on Facebook from Jill. She gave us her permission to share it on WIRL Project.

Aunt Deb
If this story doesn’t restore your faith in humanity I don’t know what will! Thank you for sharing