Why has living in the hustle and bustle of life become the new norm; where every waking second of our day is preoccupied with “something that absolutely has to get done, no matter what”? The only time that we truly think about taking a break is when we have over exerted ourselves and are burnt out. Can you honestly enjoy your break when you are, at that point, too tired to rest?
Can you honestly enjoy your break when you are, at that point, too tired to rest?
Last week started off very exciting and then ended with overwhelm. I launched my new Shine Bright Bold & Beautiful mini 5 Day eCourse which empowers mothers to overcome self-doubt and overflow in self-empowerment! I made a big business no-no of completing each video and content on the same day that the eCourse was sent out to subscribers, so I always felt behind and time restricted. By end of day Friday, there was a complete difference in my temperament, my focus, and my motivation. All I can say is that I don’t think that I have experienced a happier entrepreneur moment than when I submit that last and final mini eCourse video to my subscribers! However, the sad thing was… I was so anxious to start another project on Saturday, despite any overwhelm and fatigue that I was feeling from that week.
As soon as I picked up my computer to start another task, the words “Just Rest” came to me. That is when I started thinking about the Sabbath and how I told myself over a month ago that I was going to start resting on Saturdays. I slowly put my computer on the table and a sense of peace flowed throughout my entire body. No guilt. No remorse. Just an inner peace and stillness that my body, especially my mind was yearning!
That is when I started thinking about the Sabbath and how I told myself over a month ago that I was going to start resting on Saturdays. I slowly put my computer on the table and a sense of peace flowed throughout my entire body. No guilt. No remorse.
The thought of taking a day of Sabbath, or a rest day, is naturally frowned upon as we have been conditioned to work, work, work! In the beginning, I was even uncomfortable with myself for saying, “Today is my day of rest!” As the day went on, I felt like I achieved a major accomplishment of cherishing the moment, celebrating my Sunday-Friday work efforts, and being at peace with myself to take a load off, be easy, and “just rest”.
So what exactly did I do on this day of rest? I did everything that may have been unintentionally neglected throughout the chaotic week. I prayed, meditated, and read in the morning, noon, and evening. I truly enjoyed quality time with my son and family. I released the negative energy from the week. I opened my mind and my heart so that I could more easily receive the guidance that I yearn on my purpose driven journey. I took a beautiful, rejuvenating, and well needed nap. And I just enjoyed the day for what it was.
The benefits of rest and relaxation are endless, and many are priceless to the one and only precious life that we are given. During the week I may find some “Me Time” to balance all of the pressures from the day, but I am claiming Saturday as my day of Sabbath; my day of rest! I would love to hear how you find time to “Just Rest” and what are some of your favorite things to do during this so called “frowned upon” down time that is well needed and highly deserved?
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