
E: Enthusiasm – What It’s Really Like

E: Enthusiasm – What It’s Really Like

This post is part of a series titled, “A-B-Cs – What It’s Really Like”. Each week a new letter and its word will be revealed. Each word’s explanation will illustrate significant personal meaning, application and ultimately demonstrate, What It’s Really Like…  We have all heard that “a little bit goes a long way” and none more can be said about the action of enthusiasm. A small dose of enthusiasm c...

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Rest Now or Pay Later: Importance of a Sabbath Day

Rest Now or Pay Later: Importance of a Sabbath Day

Why has living in the hustle and bustle of life become the new norm; where every waking second of our day is preoccupied with “something that absolutely has to get done, no matter what”? The only time that we truly think about taking a break is when we have over exerted ourselves and are burnt out. Can you honestly enjoy your break when you are, at that point, too tired to rest? Can you honestly e...

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Should You Jump Into Being an Entrepreneur For a Direct Selling Company?

Should You Jump Into Being an Entrepreneur For a Direct Selling Company?

Becoming an entrepreneur can be exhilarating and freeing, but also very scary and daunting. After being in the corporate world for 15 years, I decided  that real estate was where I could make  good money. I prepared myself with a 5 year plan, sold a house that I had a lot of cash invested in, and bought a very small and practical condo. It was just enough for me and my dog. Several years passed an...

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Work Life Balance

By “Work/Life Balance” You Must Mean: All Work, Bye Bye Life, and No Balance

Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned that there are NOT enough hours in a day. Many people often wish for “super powers” and mine would be the ability to survive without sleep! I actually hate going up to bed at night. Why do we NEED to do this!? There are so many more “productive” things I could be doing instead of laying down in a bed for 7-8 hours doing NOTHING resti...

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When Bras Attack

I’m an Independent Director with Thirty-One Gifts, which means that I get paid to party! I absolutely love it, but I do have my fair share of embarrassing things that have happened at my parties. I’m the first to admit that I’ll never have a “perfect party”. I get excited when I present which leads to me talking too fast and stumbling on my words. I make funny faces w...

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Setting Big, Scary Goals

I have always been very goal oriented. I LOVE setting goals and reaching them. One thing that we often talk about in Thirty-One is setting goals. Those big, scary goals. You know the ones I’m talking about, the goals that you have in the back of your mind but make you incredibly nervous to write down or say aloud. I’m very lucky to have a group of other Directors that I chat with daily. Last year ...

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Setting Business Hours While Working from Home

I’m not exactly sure when it happened, but sometime in the past few months I realized something… I’m a small business owner! It’s true! I am! I’m sure many people in Direct Sales go through this odd transformation. Most people start Direct Sales companies as a hobby, a way to make an extra $100/month, or maybe just to get a discount on some of their favorite products. I definitely did not purchase...

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