
Pierce Picture WIRL Project Obamacare

Obamacare At It’s Finest…A Child With Special Needs Most Prove His Citizenship to Keep Coverage!

What would you do if your child with special needs was told that their coverage would end if you didn’t immediately prove that they were a citizen of the United States? Let’s paint a more accurate picture… If you received a letter from the government saying that you (who was born and raised in the US) and your husband (who was also born and raised in the US) had to prove that you...

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Medical Devices: Know the Real Story Before Your Next Procedure

Medical Devices: Know the Real Story Before Your Next Procedure

If you’re anything like me, you read views and do your research before you buy pretty much anything. This is especially true for big purchases such as a car, appliance or computer, but we also do this for electronics, clothing and a million other things. We want know how things work before we buy them, and the internet can provide us with this information rather easily. So, it’s always...

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