WIRL Challenge Wednesday: What is Blogging Really Like?

WIRL Challenge Wednesday

What is Blogging REALLY Like?

Prompt: We want to hear from Bloggers! Tell us what blogging is REALLY Like! We’re looking for the nitty gritty, behind the scenes action that everyone wants to know, but nobody talks about.

Due 5/24 5:00 EST

Use the Category “WIRL Challenge” and Tag “WIRL Blogging”.

You may contribute as a member, guest, or anonymously.


Thoughts to consider when writing your WIRL:

1) How many hours a day/week do you spend on your blog?

2) What is something you wish someone would have told you about blogging?

3) What is the most frustrating thing about blogging?

4) Why do you blog?

5) How did you choose what you were going to blog about?

6) Are you technology savvy?

7) Do you make any money from blogging? If so, how do you do it? If not, does your blog put you in the hole?

8) What do you love most about blogging?

9) What do you wish non-bloggers knew about blogging?

10) What advice would you give a new blogger who was just starting out?


Contact Help@WIRLproject.com if you have any questions. 

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WIRL Project is a collaborative social sharing website where real people are sharing and confessing stories about life and what it's really like (WIRL). Create a FREE profile and start sharing your stories today.

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