Hi there! I am Renee, hailing from New York, 28 years old, engaged to the best guy ever. I’ve been blogging for about two years now, at first it was for weight loss accountability, but I found out slowly, that I liked sharing my life. I never was a “great” writer growing up, I had run on sentences in anything that was written and I babbled too much. That part of me hasn’t ever changed; I still babble way too much, my sentences are either too long or too short. Luckily my fiancé was a teacher so he usually proof reads my posts if I feel that they aren’t what they should be.
I work full time Monday thru Friday so my blogging day usually starts around 6:30 a.m. when I get home from the gym. If I have a post planned already, I’ll tweak things I need to or just make sure it’s ready to go and schedule it. If nothing is planned, I’ll see what’s in my notebook to write about and start brain storming what angle I want to use, I also try to use pictures to make posts more interesting.
…I found out slowly, that I liked sharing my life.
Before leaving for my full time job I use Hoot Suite to schedule social media shares, twitter, facebook, and google +. That helps get my posts out during the course of the day without having to sit in front of the computer and actually sending out the posts. On the weekends I usually try and do my “larger” posts, ones that require more time and concentration than just a quick 30 minute post. Another thing I leave for the weekends is taking pictures, better sunlight, and more time to take “money shoots.”
I’ve learned that blogging is like a second job, it requires time, patience, persistence and good content. Even as a blogger that has been doing this for two years it’s not easy, there will always be bloggers that are better, that have more followers. The numbers they have are huge, the amounts of comments that are on daily posts are HIGH, and nowhere near what mine are. Pangs of jealousy usually sting, but I think I don’t have the patience to grow my blog sometimes; on the other hand I love writing so I won’t be stopping anytime soon.
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