
Let Kids Be Kids!!!

Let Kids Be Kids!!!

If you can, think back to your younger years, maybe when you were grade school age, or even younger if you can. What were you like? Did you have fears and worries and doubts or anxiety?? Kids can be cruel. Let’s face it, adults can be cruel too. The world isn’t by any means a perfect place, it’s far from it. But as a parent, you want to try to instill good morals and selflessness...

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Famous Podcast | WIRL Project

What It’s Really Like – The Story Behind WIRL Project

I had the privilege of being invited by T.v. Williams to be on his Famous Podcast a few weeks ago. I recently shared Part 1 of the show featuring a few stories about me and my personal life. Today I’m talking more about my professional life and how I was inspired to create the WIRL Project platform. In this particular portion of the show (Part 2) I am talking about: My son Mason (a quick blu...

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Unexpected Motherhood | WIRL Project

My Most UNEXPECTED Reaction to Becoming a Mother

This is just a little story about me, it’s kind of personal and very honest. I hope that, maybe someone who is, or has felt the same is given some piece of mind knowing that there is someone else out there like them! So I’ll start off by saying something you probably aren’t used to hearing from a woman…I never dreamed of having children or being a wife. Shocking, right?!? M...

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Rest Now or Pay Later: Importance of a Sabbath Day

Rest Now or Pay Later: Importance of a Sabbath Day

Why has living in the hustle and bustle of life become the new norm; where every waking second of our day is preoccupied with “something that absolutely has to get done, no matter what”? The only time that we truly think about taking a break is when we have over exerted ourselves and are burnt out. Can you honestly enjoy your break when you are, at that point, too tired to rest? Can you honestly e...

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Crap Three Year Old Says

Crap My Three Year Old Says

Arden turned three in March, but has run the roost since she was just a couple months old. We knew that she’d be a spitfire but, given the choice, I still would have preferred a spitfire over a wallflower. I’ll likely be eating those words when she’s a teenager. As parents, part of our jobs is embarrassing our kids, usually not on purpose, when they get older. This entails showing up at school dro...

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The Realities of the Tightrope of Life. What Does Work/ Life Balance Mean For Me?

The Realities of the Tightrope of Life. What Does Work/ Life Balance Mean For Me?

  Like most women, I wear lots of hats in my life. Finding an equilibrium that suits me and my family is a constant, free-flowing evolution. As a lifestyle and wellness coach, I see a lot of the same themes with my clients as well. Sharing these common themes with each other is really important, so we don’t feel so isolated in our experiences. I’m going to lead by example with the list below....

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Work Life Balance

By “Work/Life Balance” You Must Mean: All Work, Bye Bye Life, and No Balance

Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned that there are NOT enough hours in a day. Many people often wish for “super powers” and mine would be the ability to survive without sleep! I actually hate going up to bed at night. Why do we NEED to do this!? There are so many more “productive” things I could be doing instead of laying down in a bed for 7-8 hours doing NOTHING resti...

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Instagram Hashtag WIRL Project

Be Careful How You Hashtag

  When I had Mason, I swore I wouldn’t be one of those moms who blasted social media with my baby’s photos. Even during my pregnancy, I’d share a “bump” photo every now and then, but tried to keep it to a minimum because, let’s face it, it can be annoying! So, when I had my new baby boy home with me and he was resting peacefully, I found myself taking a lot...

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Children Bodily Fluids 101

Children Bodily Fluids 101

  The other day my 4 year old told our roofer proudly she could wipe her own bottom now when she poops. I was only slightly surprised she said this to him knowing her personality. I laughed it off and began thinking about the ugly process of teaching her and her two older sisters how to properly wipe. No one prepared me for this! I thought of parenting as moments in hallmark movies. Boy was I...

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PPD Forces Changes

PPD Forces Changes

  My beautiful baby girl just turned one in March, and motherhood has forced it’s fair share of changes on me, the least of which being my pants size. The elephant in the room is Postpartum Depression. I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression (PPD) four weeks after I had my bundle of joy. I wanted to be happy, but I couldn’t stop crying. The bottom line is that postpartum depres...

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